17 Februar 2012

Australien - Sydney / Bondi Beach

Nach 6 Wochen und 7122 km erreichten wir unser Ziel, Sydney. Am berühmten Bondi-Beach verbrachten wir die letzten 2 Tage mit Janas Kollegen aus Dublin, Kylie und Chris, surfen und sonnenbaden. Es war schön mit den beiden Sydney nochmal von einer ganz anderen Seite zu entdecken.

After 6 weeks and 7122km drive we finally arrived in Sydney, our final destination in Australia. We spent the last 2 days with Jana’s colleagues from Dublin, Kylie and Chris at the famous Bondi beach. Together with them it was great getting to know the city from a different perspective. Thanks  Kylie and Chris for the good time we spend together and the feeling of being home at least for few days.

Bondi Beach

Last picture from Australia at the airport

                                                         - bye bye Australia -

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