16 Oktober 2011

Pulau Perhentian - Oh mein Gott, wir haben's getan!!!

 Guess what!!!!
During the last days we went back to school to successfully become a
Open Water Diver - YEAH!!!

Back to school to learn...
... and learn...
... and learn...

Let's go diving!
Security Check
Secury Check

Tomy, Anna, our instructor Sun and Jana

So glad we did it :)

Tomy and his new job ;)

6 Kommentare:

  1. YEAHHH!

    Janina just wispered in my ear that she would like to join you diving... me, too, actually :)

    Say hi to all sharks, nemos, delphins, doris and sea hedgehogs (!) you meet on your way.

    Rock the world
    Janina & Kai

  2. Wonderful blog Jana & Tomy, looks like you are in paradise now! Take care xx Kerstin

  3. Schön Eure Bilder zu sehen und zu sehen das es Euch gut geht. Ein bischen Neid ist schon dabei- was Ihr so tun könnt und was Ihr so erlebt.
    Wir sind bei Euch!!!!!

  4. Ach noch was - tschuldigung das wir nicht in Englisch schreiben.

  5. Wohooo, you did it! Cool pics guys! Next time please also post some underwater pics with you and your (hopefully little) new friends ;)
